Cathy Studer

A Calling for a Purpose

Broken To Beautifully Whole

Is it possible to become stronger and more beautifully whole after brokenness?

How can we recover after being hurt or suffering abuse? What choices can help us transition from feeling like a victim to reclaiming our purpose and empowering our potential?

Award-winning author and speaker Cathy Studer shares the steps she followed as she moved through her own pain of carrying shame, low self-worth, and humiliation after suffering six years of childhood sexual abuse. She models how it is possible to recover from intense hurt and abuse, and create a life filled with value, joy, and purpose.

Through Cathy’s journey, you will learn:

What Readers Are Saying


“When I started reading Broken to Beautifully Whole, I expected it to share Cathy Studer’s personal story of abuse and healing. Instead, the author offered something far more profound. There is more than wisdom in these pages. There is a call to action to change the things we cannot ignore. It is the right tool to make the world safer for our children.”

~ 5-star review by Astrid Iustulin with Readers Favorite

“Cathy’s book is such a beautiful testimony of the transformation from broken to beautiful! I was not a victim of sexual abuse, but I went through an abusive marriage and divorce, which left me very broken. Reading this book has helped me SO much and has encouraged me in my healing journey. Anyone who has suffered from any kind of abuse or trauma will find much help and encouragement through this book! A MUST READ!”

~ 5-star review by Jill on Amazon

“Cathy courageously puts pen to paper revealing her heartbreak, trauma, and resilience. She shares her story with the hope that others will find healing and grace in their own lives when dealing with trauma. She is a positive light that exhibits a glow and beauty amongst troubling times. Cathy teaches others specific attributes that allow healing and growth from within. Her positivity is contagious!”

~ 5-star review by Angela on Amazon

“I read this entire book in one morning. I literally couldn’t put it down. Cathy’s personal tale of heart-breaking abuse that no innocent child should ever have to encounter followed by an inspiring, miraculous testimonial of how healing, love, and forgiveness are possible. Her six “Attributes That Heal” provide a roadmap for all of us and can be applied in so many different circumstances. I am inspired by Cathy’s drive to bring greater transparency to an issue that is uncomfortable to acknowledge yet happens with unforgivable frequency. Everyone needs to read this book!!!!!”

~ 5-star review by Heidi on Amazon

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquered precious metals, platinum, silver, or gold.

It comes with the philosophy that once something is cracked or broken, it can be repaired to become stronger and more beautifully whole. The cracks are meant to be highlighted, not hidden.
A means of becoming whole again and embracing our imperfections and our story.

Cathy was inspired by this art philosophy as she wrote her book. It reminded her that she too could fully embrace her past trauma’s and shine a light on her scars instead of hiding and disguising them. She hid her story and her scars for too long.

It was time to turn pain into purpose and
to make the mess the message.